Snows of Kilimanjaro

First of all I have problems reading stories with a lot of dialogue, but I liked this particular story right off bat. I found the relationship between Harry and his wife to be quite comical. He is pessimistic and pretty blatant about not believing he will survive, he just wants to enjoy his last moments in peace. However, his wife will not let him give up and obsesses about what she can do to help. She is assuring help is on the way when Harry on the other hand has given up hope. No longer did he have pain to feel once the gangrene set in he only felt tired and defeated. All he wanted was for the end to come sooner. Man feels need to hurt in order to survive, Harry portrays this clearly and I believe it is a very true message. When we are in pain somewhere in our sick human nature we feel joy on bringing others down with us when we fall. He had lost all motivation to do work and eventually lost his talent in writing. Once he lost this love all other love in his life disappeared, however he was better at faking than actually ultimately loving. It was not this woman’s fault. He had accepted defeat long before his sickness. Harry character is a great example of the primitive ways of man. He sought after pleasure and when he lost all of it he chased after anything to fill the emptiness within him.

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